
Before studying in nursing undergraduate program at Universitas Padjajaran in Bandung, Dr. Kusnanto, S.Kp., M.Kes., had previously studied at school of nursing and health studies (SKP). Then he also studied nursing science in Nursing Academy. Later, he took a masters program and, then, doctoral program at Universitas Airlangga. Due to his educational background, Kusnanto is an expert in Fundamentals of Nursing and Medical Surgical Nursing. In addition to teaching, Kusnanto serves as Vice Dean I of the Faculty of Nursing Universitas Airlangga. He is also an active member of nursing associations such as Indonesian Nursing National Association and The Association of Indonesian Nursing Education. He has also published some of his scientific papers, including “Self-care management model-holistic psychospiritual care development toward the independence and blood sugar level and HbA1C of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients” in 2012. The other articles appearing in scientific journals are “Self-care management modules to improve the psychosocial-spiritual responses of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients” in 2013, “Knowledge, self-efficacy and stress in patient with leprosy through implementation of support group using adaptation theory” in 2014, “Peer group support on self
Kusnanto efficacy, glycemic control and selfcare activities in diabetes mellitus patient” in 2014, and “The effect of HAPA (Health Action Process Approach) implementation to increase dietary adherence in DM type 2” in 2015. Kusnanto has also been active in conducting numerous community services. In 2012, for example, he gave training on stress management by applying progressive muscle relaxation method for the community group of diabetes mellitus patients in the work area of Puskesmas (public health center) Kebonsari, Surabaya. In the same year he conducted herbal therapy to reduce blood sugar levels in diabetes mellitus patients at Puskesmas (public health center) Kebonsari. He has received several awards such as a certificate of merit from Dirjen Dikti in 2006, a certificate of merit from the chair of PMII of East Java Province in 2014, and a certificate of merit from Surabaya City Mayor in 2014. Kusnanto also wrote a book “Pengantar Profesi dan Praktik Keperawatan Profesional” which was published in 2004. (*)


Place and Date of Birth :

Mojokerto, 29 August 1968

Email :


Phone :

+62 31 5913754 / +62 8121666653

Educational Background :
  1. Undergraduate Study at Universitas Padjajaran
  2. Masters Program at Universitas Airlangga
  3. Doctoral Program at Universitas Airlangga
Courses taught :
  1. Fundamentals of Nursing (I-IV)
  2. Endocrine System for Nurses
  3. Nursing Management
  4. Research Methods for Nurses
  5. Evidence Based Nursing
  6. Quality Assurance
  7. Nursing Theories
  8. Support Course for Dissertation
Research interests :
  1. Fundamental and Medical Nursing
Association Membership :
  1. Indonesian Nursing National Association
  2. The Association of Indonesian Nursing Education

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